110 Bentley Ave, unit 27, Nepean, ON
check out our paper bag selection
We have extended our line of Paper Shoppers, Flat Merchandise Bags as well as Lunch and Grocery style paper bags
E-Business and Shipping supplies
for your on-line business, curbside orders, we've got the supplies you need to make your tasks easier. Shipping Boxes, bubble mailers, Paper shoppers and plastic bags, ziplock bags, tape, bubble wrap and more... email or call us today
Visit our shopping site: Weddings by Pritchard
We are now located at 110 Bentley Ave, Door 27 click here for Map, showroom hours & details
We Accept VISA , MASTER CARD, AMEX as well as interac in the cash & carry
Please note due to price fluctuation sometimes some price increase may not be posted right away.
Bakery Boxes
Flipalicious box
Design Paper Bags
Cupcake box
Standup Pouches
Our standup pouches are perfect for dry foods, powder, and candy and also very popular for the "Edibles" Industry
Clear Candy Bags
Gift Tablock Mailers
LOCATED AT 110 BENTLEY AVE, UNIT 27, NEPEAN, ONTARIO - SEE MAP - 1.800.224.1248 - 613.723.8989 - FAX: 613.723.0450